Promoting deeper and more joyful learning for Piedmont students


ALPS Parent Sharing Forum Resources 2020

In this informal discussion group, we shared our experiences, resources, and ideas regarding our advanced learners, learned how to talk to your child’s teacher, enrichment programs, and remote learning. Sponsored by Piedmont ALPS (Advanced Learners Program Support), facilitated by parent Kim Fisher. Via Zoom.

If you are interested, check out these new resources and information for families and educators:

Please email any questions to:

Secondary Math Pathways in PUSD

The Piedmont School Board approved new math pathways on February 28, 2018. Please read about them here.
Piedmont ALPS provided this feedback on the pathways during the discussion.

Other Resources

Resources shared at the ALPS Parent Sharing Forum on Oct 10, 2018

Khan Academy: free resource for mastery based, individually paced, learning

Starfall: free online learning tool and app for reading and math

Graphite: Great resource for teachers and parents wanting to find tools to offer differentiated instruction.

California Association for the Gifted

National Association for Gifted Children

Supporting the Emotional Needs of Gifted

Hoagies Gifted Education

Summit Center Local service provider for educational assessments, educational therapy, and counseling; specializes in issues related to gifted and twice-exceptional children and adolescents.

Twice-exceptional Newsletter

Presentation by Dr. James T. Webb “Many Faces of Gifted”

Current GATE Plan for Piedmont Public Schools

Summary of GATE Survey 2009

Piedmonters for Resources, Advocacy, Information in Special Education

East Bay/Oakland Math Circles

Berkeley Math Circle

Ginna Guiang-Myers’ 2015 presentation slides: Inside the Classroom: Addressing the Needs of Advanced Learners

Referenced Paper on Rethinking Giftedness and Gifted Education: A Proposed Direction Forward Based on
Psychological Science, by Rena F. Subotnik, Paula Olszewski-Kubilius, and Frank C. Worrell, published by APS Association of Psychological Science: Rethinking Giftedness

Referenced paper on Long-Term Effects of Educational Acceleration, by Jonathan Wai, Talent Identification Program, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina: A Nation Empowered

Summer Camps
Combine academics with social, cultural and recreational opportunities for a truly engaging summer. Programs are available for gifted students ages 5-17. Visit for more information and to receive a catalogue:  

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